Monday, June 24, 2013

Unit 5: Forces in Equilibrium

This photo relates to unit 5 because today we learned about tension. String forces are tension. Without me holding up the string, the string would fall and the weight on the string gives it tension.

We learned a lot about forces today. A force is a vector quantity that can be defined as a push or a pull. A normal force is a supporting force that is perpendicular to the surface the object is on. Force units are kg x m/s^2. 1kgm/s^2 is equal to one Newton. This leads me to Newtons first law, which is also called the Law of Inertia: Objects in motion will tend to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside unbalanced force. Another version of this law is: Objects at rest will stay at rest, unless acted upon by an outside unbalanced force. Inertia is directly proportional to mass, therefore when an object has more mass has a tendency to resist changes in their state of motion.

1 comment:

  1. You packed a lot of information into such a tiny space! I'm always really jealous of your posts, because I feel like I have to make mine really long to cover all the info you do, but you summarize it all so well! P.S. I like your picture. The blanket draped over your shoulder looks like a mystical shawl, and your string is like a hypnotist's pendulum. I feel like asking you to tell my fortune.
