Sunday, June 16, 2013

Unit 2: Continued

This picture represents unit 2 because we used this device to better understand position vs. time graphs. This device, called a motion sensor, uses sounds to detect how close or far an object is from the sensor. We used logger pro to translate the data from the device to the computer in graph form at the same time the device was being used. This allowed us to discover the properties of a position vs. time graph. We found that the farther you are from the device, the the higher the graph got, and the closer you are to the device, the shorter the graph got. We found that the slope of a position vs. time graph is the velocity.

We then compared the position vs. time graphs to the velocity vs. time graphs. Velocity vs. time graphs show the velocity of an object at any given time. The slope of a velocity vs. time graph is the acceleration.


  1. I love how concise your posts are! Tons of information, with no excess. I also like how simply you word your explanations, so that they're really easy to understand.

  2. Your explanation of the lab was really clear and was straight to the point. The last portion of the post, where you talked about each graph was also really helpful. It was easily understandable and was a good reminder of what we have to know about graphs and how they can help us find other information.

  3. Hey :) Your post was a really effective reminder of what we learned last week, and the explanation of the slope was informative without making me read too much.
