Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Unit 1

This picture really represents Unit 1 because we focused mostly on pendulums. A pendulum is a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward. As you can see in the picture, we tried putting varying sizes of people on the pendulum, which proved that neither mass nor angle of release had any affect on the period because each trial was about 14 seconds long.

From the pendulum lab, we learned how neither mass nor angle of release affected the period of the pendulum, but the length of the pendulum did. The labs also helped us learned a lot about different types of graphs and their relationships as well, especially when we used that information when we graphed our data from the labs. Learning the relations of each graph and how to identify them allowed for us to analyze the lab data more easily. We could then determine the relationship between the mass, angle of release and length of the string and the period.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Rachel :D I think you summarized pendulums really well, as well as the labs that we did. You kept the information short, sweet, and to the point. I also just really love that picture of you, because I feel like it really embodies the amount of exhilaration and fun you were having on top of that pendulum.

    Ok, so at first it said that I posted to comments of the same thing, so I tried deleting one, but then it ended up deleting both, so I'm going to repost my comment since I copied it before I deleted it, but if it's still weird then I apologize.

  3. I love your picture! I really like the way you described how the human pendulums related to the pendulum labs that we performed in the classroom, and how what we discovered held true on a larger scale as well.
